Refund Policy

  • You cannot cancel the order and demand refund once order is successfully placed and processed by the payment gateway. Refund requests will only be considered…
  • 1. If the buyer does not get the delivery of the ordered products within 3 days from the order date.
  • 2. If Or “Suraviswadist Milk (OPC) Pvt. Ltd.” fails to ship the ordered products.
  • 3. If the shipping location is not serviced by Ole Moo delivery professionals. No refund requests will be entertained for damaged products. However, damaged products will be exchanged as per our exchange policy.
  • The refund process will start from the 4th day and it will take a minimum of 10 days thereafter. Refund will be processed through the same payment method through which payment is received.
  • No Returns will be entertained if a customer wants to return the product for the reason that he OR she doesn’t like it after delivery of the product or feels the product doesn’t match his or her expectations. No refunds will be given in the following cases:
  • 1. Incorrect or outdated delivery address
  • 2. After 2 failed delivery attempts by our delivery professionals.
  • 3. Package refused by recipient.
  • All emails in this regard are to be sent to

    Exchange Policy

  • Delivered products can be exchanged, in case
  • 1. The product is expired while delivery. (Please check the Mfg. date & best before while receiving your order)
  • 2. The seal is broken while delivery.
  • 3. The product is damaged while delivery.

    Cancellation Policy

  • 1. if you no longer require milk subscription because of any reason please call us on +91- 8984979751 or 0674- 3592635 or write to us to convey the message. If any outstanding remains from either ends, settlement needs to be & will be done within 10 working days.
  • 2. If, any rescheduling please inform us before 24 hours through any of the following mode
  • Olemoo Mobile app
  • Call on +91-8984979751 or 0674-3592635
  • Please avoid using any digital platform like facebook, twitter ,instagram for rescheduling of milk order